Python Update 2.7.9
python update 2.7.9

HTTPS certificate validation using the. See PEP 466 for justification. Python 2.7.9 includes several significant changes unprecedented in a 'bugfix' release: The entirety of Python 3.4's ssl module has been backported for Python 2.7.9. Python 2.7.9 is a bugfix version for the Python 2.7 release series.

Python 2.7.9 Install Both Python

Ive read on Google that installing 2.7.9 over 2.7.3 causes the OS to explode as some OS dependencies require 2.7.3In lieu of switching to a newer base image, lets at least update Python for now (I was hitting an issue with PyCharm that someone said was fixed with newer.If you are using CentOS 6 you can use this tutorial to install both Python 2.7.x and Python 3.6.x. I am wondering how one goes about upgrading the default python installation on Linux. But I want Python 2.7.9 for the sexy SSL backports. The examples below are for Python 2.7.14 and Python 3.6.3, but the procedure is the same for any modern version of Python.My linux distro (Debian-Wheezy) comes with Python 2.7.3 as the default.

What is the problem?CentOS ships with Python as a critical part of the base system. I have verified it on CentOS 6.9 64 bit and CentOS 7 (1611) 64 bit.This tutorial is meant for people that are comfortable with compiling and installing applications from source. This will likely cause difficult-to-diagnose problems.This tutorial should work for all versions of CentOS 6 and CentOS 7, and it will probably work on the corresponding RHEL distributions as well. Your system will end up having two different python2.7 binaries, each with its own package directory. Warning! Do not install Python 2.7.14 on CentOS 7 using these instructions.

This increases memory usage but improves compatibility. Unless you have very specific reasons you should configure Python 2.7 to enable UTF-32 support. Things to considerBefore you compile and install Python there are a few things you should know and/or consider: UnicodePython has a long and complicated history when it comes to Unicode support. The trick is to install new versions of Python in /usr/local (or some other non-standard location) so that they can live side-by-side with the system version. Solving the problemUtilities such as yum will break if the default Python interpreter is upgraded or replaced. The lack of updates means that CentOS 6 users are stuck with Python 2.6.6 released in August 2010, and CentOS 7 users are stuck with Python 2.7.5 released in May 2013.

To make sure the executable can find its shared library you also need to pass some additional flags to the configure command ( LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath /usr/local/lib").If you do not have sudo or root access you will probably not be able to compile Python as a shared library. It reduces memory usage if more than one Python process is running, and there are third-party tools that might not work properly without it. All modern Linux distros ship with Python compiled as a shared library. Shared libraryYou should compile Python as a shared library by passing -enable-shared to the configure command.

Preparations – install prerequisitesIn order to compile Python you must first install the development tools and a few extra libs. This can lead to problems that are very hard to diagnose. If you use the normal make install you will end up with two different versions of Python in the filesystem both named python. Use “make altinstall” to prevent problemsIt is critical that you use make altinstall when you install your custom version of Python.

Examples updated with Python 2.7.13 and Python 3.6.0. Add warning about not installing Python 2.7 on CentOS 7 (since it already has 2.7 in the base system). Examples updated with Python 2.7.14 and 3.6.3. Updated the shared library paragraph with some extra information.

python update 2.7.9

/configure –prefix=/usr/local –enable-shared LDFLAGS=”-Wl,-rpath /usr/local/lib”After running the commands above your newly installed Python interpreter will be available as /usr/local/bin/python3.2Sudo /usr/local/bin/python3.2 ez_setup.pyCreate your isolated Python 3.2 environmentSudo /usr/local/bin/pip3.2 install virtualenvSudo /usr/local/bin/virtualenv /usr/local/virtenv3.2Python –version # (To check version) ReplyThanks very much. The extra libs are not strictly needed to compile Python but without them your new Python interpreter will be quite uselessSudo yum groupinstall “Development tools”Sudo yum install zlib-devel bzip2-devel openssl-devel ncurses-devel sqlite-devel readline-devel tk-devel gdbm-devel db4-devel libpcap-devel xz-develHere are the commands to download, compile and install PythonSudo. Instructions for installing and using setuptools, pip, virtualenv and pyvenv have been added/updated.In order to compile Python you must first install the development tools and a few extra libs. New parameters for compiling Python with a shared library and for enabling Unicode UTF-32 support in Python 2.7 and Python 3.2 have been added.

My issue appears to be resolved after running as ” root ” and not ” sudo ”Copying and adjusting /home/sgadmn/Downloads/Python-2.7.9/Tools/scripts/pydoc -> build/scripts-2.7Copying and adjusting /home/sgadmn/Downloads/Python-2.7.9/Tools/scripts/idle -> build/scripts-2.7Copying and adjusting /home/sgadmn/Downloads/Python-2.7.9/Tools/scripts/2to3 -> build/scripts-2.7Copying and adjusting /home/sgadmn/Downloads/Python-2.7.9/Lib/ -> build/scripts-2.7/usr/bin/install -c python /usr/local/bin/python2.7/usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file `/usr/local/bin/python2.7′: Permission deniedIf you followed the tutorial you already have everything you need. I don’t have any knowledge about building packages at this level on *nix…I’ve simply been following instructions listed on this page to install python-2.7.9, things went so well I’ll try 3.4.2 also…I too was using ” sudo ” to run commands to perform installs.After reading Dave’s post above I went back and ran everything as ” root ” ( su root )./configure –prefix=/usr/local –enable-unicode=ucs4 –enable-shared-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 84 Dec 23 17:16 /usr/local/bin/pydoc*-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 9760 Dec 23 17:47 /usr/local/bin/python2.7*-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1687 Dec 23 17:47 /usr/local/bin/python2.7-config*Thanks Dave, for posting complete message which I searched for and found. Stop.There is nothing at all in my /usr/local/bin.First I want to thank Daniel Eriksson and all others who have posted their experience and solutions. /Tools/gdb/ python-gdb.pyMake: stat: Modules/ Permission deniedMake: *** No rule to make target Modules/', needed by Makefile’.

Once activated your default python interpreter will change from the system default to the one in that particular virtualenv.

python update 2.7.9